Wishy-washy Covid apology from “investigative journalist” Piers Morgan – www.cairnsnews.org

Wishy-washy Covid apology from “investigative journalist” Piers Morgan – www.cairnsnews.org

By Jeanine Bird

Piers Morgan admitted to Tucker Carlson he was wrong about the Covid vaccine. Poor boy believed the “scientists” and said he “became wrongly censorious, really badly censorious”.

Do you think he has just woken up that he is just one of the Deep State’s global tools for pushing their agenda? Another political wolf compliantly disparaging and denigrating anyone disagreeing with his Master Deep State’s narrative?

He told Tucker Carlson: “Next time around with any of these things, I’m going to be a lot more sceptical. As a journalist should be. I’m pretty ashamed of not being that to start with.”

Oh really Piers? Then you’re not a real investigative journo’s bootlace! You should have been doing your job the whole time, like all the other so-called investigative journos who just silence or censor their Master’s opposition. Like our own taxpayer-funded ABC which is supposed to flesh out all sides of an argument, but instead it vilifies anyone with an alternative view as conspiracy theorists, regardless of how right they are.

The whole sorry Covid saga is a typical example of journos NOT DOING THEIR JOBS! Worse, PUSHING AN AGENDA for their political masters, as with the RenewaBULL Energy saga, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and “let’s not talk about the excess deaths!”

I suppose if your newspaper survives off government advertising (Covid ads etc), or you are a uni or hospital dependent on funding from Gates and his like, then what do we expect?

Oh, that’s right – we expect a professional to INVESTIGATE, and put up both sides of the argument so the people who have half a brain can work out what the truth is. Instead, aside from the really important things in life, like lamenting there is no sponsorship for an LBTQ-XYZ-Trans festival this year, they are PART OF THE COVER-UP. Shame on them!

Karma is a beautiful thing though, and there is a bit of it going around right now, with a lot more to come. Citizen journos and “alternative media” are the REAL investigative journos now, with listeners and viewers having globally abandoned the mainstream media in droves. A problem of MSM’s own making.

You really want us to believe that “next time around” you are going to truthfully flesh it out Piers?

Where there’s smoke there is fire, Piers and the rest of your ilk. The whole damn world was on fire! Millions of people out in the streets demonstrating and it wasn’t worth reporting? Like a million in Canberra who had some sort of Directed Energy Weapon turned on them wasn’t worth a mention?

If you were real investigative journos, you would have followed the flaming argument instead of running from the smoke!

I rest my case.

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