Vote 1 Malcolm Roberts, 2 Gerard Rennick, 3 Susan McDonald on Queensland senate ballot paper –

Vote 1 Malcolm Roberts, 2 Gerard Rennick, 3 Susan McDonald on Queensland senate ballot paper –

MAKE AUSTRALIA GREAT AGAIN Cairns News how to vote information for Queenslanders in the Senate. Vote for independents in all other states

This vitally important federal election expected to announced soon will determine which type of electricity generation will power Australia and any future industry.

Unfortunately the Liberal and Labor parties are both in bed with useless renewables which will see unbridled environmental damage continue into the foreseeable future destroying iconic and valuable farmland and old growth forests.

The deplorable Greens have been silent on the ripping up of pristine forests and levelling of the Great Dividing Range from Brisbane’s hinterland to the Atherton Tableland in the state’s far north to install monstrous, inefficient, 250 metre high wind generators with a lifespan of 10-15 years and thousands of kilometres of power lines to feed the grid.

The Chinese conglomerates which own all of the green power installations have been subsidised by Labor to the tune of billions of dollars to provide incompatible electricity that is unsuitable for industry and cannot supply peak demand.

If the wind doesn’t blow there is zero electricity available. Most coal-fired power will be offline within two years.

The electricity industry claims domestic power prices will be double the present cost by 2030. Labor’s wind and solar power has an unimaginable price tag of 1 trillion dollars.

The LNP, Labor, Greens and Teals all support Net Zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, a ridiculous and unattainable target which, if ever achieved would see life on Earth cease to exist.

If we can prevent Labor from taking any seats in Queensland they will lose government.

The major media is the biggest obstacle to this plan. All of the left-leaning media particularly the ABC will support Labor, then LNP, Teals and Greens in that order.

The only exception will be the Australian newspaper and Sky News which support the Liberal Party.

It is up to the burgeoning, alternative media industry to provide accurate information over the next three months for those undecided urban and regional voters to stop supporting the major parties.

Queenslanders must support coal and gas to keep the state functioning. Already the coal industry has stated there will be no more new coal mines and all exploration has ceased.

Climate change is a terrible falsehood used to batter Australians and forge a wealth transfer from the populace to Chinese multinational companies.

Last week America withdrew from the notorious Paris Climate Accord, now several other countries are following their example but compromised and corrupt Australian politicians and bureaucrats are adhering to the damaging Accord.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton said the Liberals will not withdraw and Nationals leader David Littleproud said the LNP is sticking to the injurious Accord agreement for Net Zero by 2050.

Vote for independents in every other state.


How to vote in the Queensland senate

Take care, and take TIME, with your voting in the Queensland Senate election


We consider it is slightly better to vote “Below the Line”, in which case you must number 1 to at least 12 candidate boxes.

Find Malcolm Roberts’s name as a candidate below the line, and put a 1 in the box next to his name

Find Gerard Rennick’s name as a candidate below the line, and put a 2 in the box next to his name.

Find Susan McDonald’s name as a candidate for the LNP Party and put a 3 in the box next to her name.

Continue numbering 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12 etc in boxes below the line according to your choice of individual candidates. Ideally, put a number in every column, putting the Greens’ top candidate LAST.

If you vote ABOVE THE LINE, please number FAR more than 6 boxes.

Find the column with Malcolm Roberts’s PH One Nation Party, and put a 1 in that box above the line.

Find the column with Gerard Rennick’s People First Party, and put a 2 in that box above the line.

Find the column for the LNP Party and put a 3 in the box above the line for that Party, so that Susan McDonald can get your vote.

Continue numbering 4,5,6,7,8 etc in all boxes above the line, putting the Greens LAST. Three years ago there were 25 columns, so you might need to number that far.

Use a biro.

Gerard Rennick

Malcolm Roberts

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