Highway To Hell! US Interest To Hit $1.6 Trillion By Year End, Making It The Largest US Government Outlay (Interest Payments Crowding Out Social Safety Nets)

Highway To Hell! US Interest To Hit .6 Trillion By Year End, Making It The Largest US Government Outlay (Interest Payments Crowding Out Social Safety Nets)

by confoundedinterest17

The US is on a highway to hell!

The US Federal government just hit a dubious landmark — $1.6 TRILLION in interest payments expected by year end. It is already at $1.2 TRILLION.

Biden/Harris’s spending spree (which Harris wants to continue).

Interest payments will crowd out other expenditures, like Social Security, Defense and Medicare.

Eternal deficits are not sustainable, especially since much of government spending rerpresents payoffs to political donors.

Yes, under Biden/Harris, the US is on a HIGHWAY TO HELL.

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