JACKSON COUNTY, MI – A new rule forbidding students from using their phones in class has gotten a surprisingly positive response at a Jackson-area high school, the principal said.
The phone-less policy introduced and enforced at East Jackson High School has so far led to a significant increase in student engagement – and a marked decrease in bad behavior – since it was introduced at the start of the 2023-24 school year, Principal Joel Cook said..
“No cell phones means engagement is up, and drama is down – exponentially,” Cook said. “When you take away that compulsion to access Snapchat and TikTok, kids find themselves having to concentrate and participate in some of these debates in the classroom. Students, staff and parents have appreciated it.”
Using the district’s PowerSchool data center, school officials tracked a nearly 40% decrease in behavioral referrals in 2023-24 compared to previous years, which Cook attributes largely to taking cell phones out of the classroom. Instances of bullying have also fallen with social media apps being used less during school hours, he said.
“I don’t think people fully understand the amount of behavioral issues that begin with a Snapchat,” Cook said. “If you take that out of the classroom, a lot of the drama goes away.”