Oregon Supreme Court Blocks Pro-Life Republicans from Re-Election Ballot

Oregon Supreme Court Blocks Pro-Life Republicans from Re-Election Ballot

Last Updated on February 1, 2024

The Oregon Supreme Court has ruled that 10 Republican State Senators who staged a legislative walk-out to block Democrats from passing radical abortion, transgender, and gun legislation are ineligible to run for office, in just the latest anti-democratic stunt pulled by Democrats.

10 Oregon State Senators were officially blocked from seeking re-election by the state’s Supreme Court on Thursday, a punishment for the 6-week walkout that they staged last year, denying the State Senate quorum and blocking Democrats from taking the already left-wing state completely off the rails.

The ruling comes in the form of an affirmation of a decision by Oregon’s Democrat Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, who says that the walk-out violated an Oregon law about legislative work absences. That law itself, however, only came about in 2022, for the express purpose of kicking unruly Republicans out of the legislature and stripping their voters of their voices, after Republican lawmakers had led previous similar walkout campaigns.

Contrast the happenings in Oregon with the celebrity treatment that Texas Democrats received in 2021, when they bolted the state entirely, not just the state capitol, to block Republicans from passing election integrity legislation.

That walk-out lasted for 38 days, after which enough Democrats had trickled back into work that the legislature reached quorum and was ultimately able to pass the legislation.

But while they were gone, they were hailed as heroes and were invited to meet with Kamala Harris in DC, where they flew by private jet.

Not a single one of those legislators has been barred from seeking re-election over their political stunt.

Notably, every single member of the Oregon Supreme Court was appointed by one of two Democrat Governors, Kate Brown or Tin Kotek, both of whom “identify” as “LGBT” – an interesting piece of the story when it’s considered that blocking the transgender mutilation of children is part of the reason that the 10 State Senate Republicans are being kicked off the ballot.

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The all-Democrat-appointee makeup of the Oregon Supreme Court resembles that of the Colorado Supreme Court, which is also exclusively comprised of Democrat appointees and recently moved to unconstitutionally block 45th President Trump from the state’s presidential ballot.

Oregon Supreme Court
Every single member of the Oregon Supreme Court was appointed by a Democrat Governor.

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