Extremist group distances itself from threats against Rebel lawyer amid backlash

Extremist group distances itself from threats against Rebel lawyer amid backlash

One of Australia’s most radical extremist groups has publicly distanced itself from any involvement in the threatening letter sent to prominent media lawyer Justin Quill.

The letter featuring a prominent Whistleblowers, Activists & Communities Alliance (WACA) letterhead was fired off amid a legal battle by Rebel News which successfully challenged a suppression order protecting anti-Israel extremists.

The intimidating letter targeted Quill for his role in overturning the order. After intense backlash online, WACA has now suddenly sought to distance themselves from the letter, asserting that its members “did not” send the letter and claimed to have no knowledge of the threats at all.

In a statement posted on social media, the group falsely labelled Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini as a “known fascist and wife beater,” and expressed solidarity with their stance against “the far right.”

The letter was received by Quill during the case challenging a suppression order shielding two individuals – Laura Allam, and alleged accomplice Mohammad Sharab – known for their extremist views, particularly their antisemitic rhetoric.

While the goal of the letter was to intended to intimidate Quill, he instead persevered, ultimately securing a win in court that allowed Rebel News to identify two of the alleged perpetrators involved in the violent kidnapping incident.

While the mainstream media have moved on from this story, Rebel News refuses to let it fade into obscurity. We need your help to challenge the final suppression order and ensure that justice prevails.

If you believe in the importance of standing up against violent left-wing extremism and defending the right to free speech and legal representation, share this story.

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