BY Lyndesy Symonds
Jolting awake from the Matrix is brutal. The last of the falling scales land like the Biblical stone on the feet of the idol. Striking out on a path of resistance against the Matrix and organisation for credo , restoration of a foundational social order such as the Christian Western nation state (ancient regime) or a rival order like National Socialism is strenuous and demanding. As a way to alienate friends and family, it is certainly the quickest.
But for this to occur there has to be an experience or series of experiences where the cogdys jams and the person is sprung.
It is always instructive to read or hear accounts of the these awakenings which set the person on a Counter Revolutionary path. Whether or not you agree with the specific path is irrelevant to the initiating experience and the fact that a path of opposition has now been chosen; a commitment has been made. The initiating experience is the thing.
In the following video, Thomas Sewell,who struck out on the path of National Socialism, describes his initiating experience. His description sounds like the rally that was similar to this one in 2019 as described by the Big Jew matrix media.
Whether or not you agree with his philosophy / worldview and path of resistance and opposition to the Matrix, the experience he recounts is the real deal. When I talk to people about their resistance and commitment to organisation unless I hear this tone of voice and these talking points I know I am dealing with a faker.
Sewell’s take on the rally he attended back in the day is very instructive. This is what it sounds like when someone is finished with the culture of complaint and protest A Popular Front is always going to be controlled by the Invisible Hand.
In the end , race and nation are going to play an enormous role in the organisation of opposition to the Matrix. The National Socialists will say it is the defining role. The Counter Revolution of the Christian West will look both forward and back to the racial stock of the nation and ethnostate in its foundations and polity.
Ultimately it is going to come down to these two, once Popular Fronts and the conservatives attempting to defend the fag end of the liberal democracies have been made to experience the iron fist of the Marxist Leninist state and have fallen by the way.
“Jewish Tyranny That Rules Over Australia is Sending White Men to Prison for Expressing Their So Called Democratic Rights” can be found on