Is “Fear of the Jews” Ruling the World? No More


Is “Fear of the Jews” Ruling the World? No More

By Scripture and Tradition — Fr JM

With sincere sorrow for all who have died in war, exaggerating atrocities does not help future generations, but actually endangers them. The truth about history, as best we can find it, is the only way to peace.

🕒 Time stamps 🕞
00:00 Outline
01:25 The world lies
02:38 Freedom fight subverted in Burma
04:50 Is all for nothing?
07:00 Holocaust figure inflation
08:40 “Fear of the Jews”
10:30 A long term plan

Here’s what others had to say:

“Christ is King, not the globalists.” What a true and blessed way to start this morning.

It’s stunning, but 99% of Catholic “influencers” & podcast are ignoring the A-S bill, even though it affects Catholics & our worship directly. What gives?

Last week, matins included a reading describing the martyrdom of Athanasius, who, persecuted by the Arians, put himself in hiding for years to endure against them. What struck me was not his eventual martyrdom, but the militant manner in which a heresy conducts itself against those faithful to the truth of Christ. Growing up, I learned heresies were like benign errors, or misunderstandings that move people off the straight and narrow path. The more I learn about these things, the more I come to know that heresies originate from powerful people who use treachery to enforce and perpetuate the falsehood. Because they fight God, they must fight forever. When the apostles were brought before the chief priests, Gamaliel said, “do not kill them.. if this movement is not of God, it will fade away. If it is of God, you will not be able to kill it.” They have been fighting ever since.
God bless you and keep you, Father JM. Hopefully your channel will stay up. Perhaps the forces are not as strong as they once were. Peace to you!

Thank you Fr for telling the truth. As Bishop Fulton Sheen said once,evil is self destroys itself in the end ,but we have to suffer in the process.

Father Mawdsley thank you once again and may God bless you. I have just read an O Level history paper from 2002. It will take a very long time to change the psyche of British people especially. However it will happen thanks to TLM and the wonderful priests who help us. Home school is so popular: free thinking. Many great things are happening. Deo Gratias.

Dr E. Michael Jones said he’d like to have you on his podcast Friday. I think I can speak for most Catholics when I say that we would all love to hear that conversation.

FR. My prayers are with and go with you. You’re a bright star in a dim world. My mother was Polish & placed in a labor camp. She lost over 19 members of her family. A handful of her family was killed in the Katyn massacre, which were denied at first. It was not until 1990 ( 40 years) did the Soviet government accepted the blame.

“Fear of the Jews” it’s true something’s never change.
Rise up men of God and have no fear!

Book of Revelation literally says those to be destroyed were the ones who had no love for the truth. That means there are to be people who delivery the truth.

200,000 and mostly from Typhus! No magical kabalistic number trickery or propaganda.


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