Climate cultists of the World Economic Forum and gullible political parties have pushed up the cost of insurance well beyond Australian home owner’s means.
Researcher Kate Mason says one in five homes will be uninsured by 2025.
The climate nutters claim flooding, bushfires and cyclones are being caused by climate change and massive hikes in insurance premiums and new building codes will force people out of the regions into 15 minute Smart Cities planned for coastal areas.
The ALP, LNP, Greens nexus want to remove people from the bush. People are much easier to control in satellite cities dotted along the coastlines of the country.
Already governments are forcing home owners to make their dwellings ‘more resilient’ to climate change which has pushed up the cost of new homes beyond the reach of many.
While the brainwashed, unintelligent masses keep voting for the political duopoly of LibLab this dire situation will only worsen.
Watch this informative video about what the NWO has in store for Australians.