Steve Garvey, California GOP SILENT in Face of Draft Dodging Claims

Steve Garvey, California GOP SILENT in Face of Draft Dodging Claims

Last Updated on December 28, 2023

Steve Garvey, the California GOP, and the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball organization are SILENT in the face of claims that Steve Garvey, a Republican candidate to be the next US Senator from California, dodged the Vietnam War draft with help from the aptly-named Los Angeles Dodgers, for whom he was playing professional baseball at the time.

National File has reached out to Steve Garvey directly for comment but after confirming that it was indeed Steve Garvey who answered National File’s phone call, the California US Senate candidate hung up when questioned about his alleged Vietnam War draft dodging.

CLAIM: Steve Garvey Falsified Medical Records to Dodge Vietnam Draft, With Help from LA DODGERS!

Likewise, National File has reached out to multiple members of the Los Angeles Dodgers front office and media team but has received no response on claims that the storied ball club helped Steve Garvey dodge the Vietnam War draft when he was playing first base at Dodger Stadium.

As shown in the exclusive National File X post below, among others, Erik Braverman, the Senior Vice President of Marketing Communications, and Broadcasting for the Los Angeles Dodgers, has opened multiple emails regarding the organization’s alleged role in Garvey draft dodging claims but has refused to respond.

In addition to the Los Angeles Dodgers, National File has made California GOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson aware of allegations that Garvey, the leading GOP Senate candidate who’s backed by California’s McCarthy-linked GOP establishment, dodged the Vietnam War draft to save his baseball career.

Like Garvey and the Dodgers, Jessica Millan Patterson has refused to comment on the Garvey situation and refuses to disclose the California GOP’s role in Garvey’s campaign, or whether or not the party supports Garvey’s alleged draft dodging scheme.

As National File has reported, in addition to Steve Garvey’s alleged draft dodging, a litany of personal scandals are expected the plague his campaign for the US Senate seat vacated by the late Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein – A seat that many believe Republicans are in a unique position to compete for thanks to a jungle primary process and a fractured California Democrat Party.

Read More: Garvey Scandals Could Tank California GOP Hopes in 2024

What’s more, Garvey has been slammed by a prominent California conservative insider who says that Garvey’s campaign is meant to get him elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame, not the US Senate.

As National File reported:

Former California Republican Assembly President Stephen Frank blasted Steve Garvey in a write-up published on Frank’s website, CA Political News and Views, saying that Garvey’s run for the US Senate is actually a campaign for the Baseball Hall of Fame.


“Even [Garvey’s] ‘campaign’ logo looks like an effort to remind the MLB Veterans Committee to vote him into the Hall of Fame,” Frank wrote, also noting that in a campaign email blasted out last month, Garvey neglected to mention anything he’d actually do as a US Senator.

Steve Garvey Senate Logo
Steve Garvey’s US Senate campaign logo harkens back to his days in Major League Baseball.

Read More: Garvey Running for Baseball Hall of Fame, Not Senate, According to Political Insider


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