Should Bonnie Henry be fired for BC’s failed ‘safer supply’ program and lingering vax mandates? BC United weighs in

Should Bonnie Henry be fired for BC’s failed ‘safer supply’ program and lingering vax mandates? BC United weighs in

In today’s report, we hear from Kevin Falcon, leader of BC United, and Elanore Sturko, the Surrey South MLA who serves as the party’s shadow critic on mental health, addictions and recovery. We discuss whether they believe Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry should remain the province’s “top doctor,” considering her support for ongoing vaccine mandates for health-care workers and a ‘safer supply’ drug policy that is causing more harm.

While the BC Conservatives have made their stance on Henry clear — bringing forward a petition calling on the governing New Democrats to fire her from her position — less was known on where opposition leader Kevin Falcon and BC United stand.

Click on the video report above to watch me pose the important question in Surrey, B.C., to Falcon and MLA Elanore Sturko during one of the party’s ongoing “Ask Kevin anything” town hall-style events.

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