Hamas an asset of Israeli Deep State and Muslims – www.cairnsnews.org

Hamas an asset of Israeli Deep State and Muslims – www.cairnsnews.org

Pauline Hanson offered to carry Greens Senator Mehreen ­Faruqi’s bags if she wanted to go back to Pakistan with her Greens belief that Australia is not a nice country

By Lyndesy Symonds

What Pauline Hanson is calling ‘horrific anti-semitism’ is the probably the Muslim / Palestinian ‘from the river to sea’ chant that is now joined with the ‘always was always will be’ chant of Australian Hate brought by the UNDRIP Marxist faction of the Anti-Australia protests – a broad coalition of Green Marxist-Leninists, UNDRIP Marxist-Leninists and now Muslims, Palestinians etc.

The Palestinians are a gulagged nation run by Hamas as a jihadi terrorist authority and military. Hamas is, in my opinion, an asset of both the Israeli Deep State and the Muslim nations, tasked with making a two state solution politically impossible. Eradication is the preferred Zionist option for the Palestinian nation clinging to its little strip of land without food, water and electricity.

But even Israel and its ‘sacred terrorism’ recognizes that ‘shooting fish in a barrel’ isn’t going to cut it in the UN as casus belli for an Israeli war of eradication. The Muslim nations regard this as a weakness and have seized upon the Palestinian gulag in Gaza as moral high ground for their jihad against the Jews which is a Quranic / religious obligation. The Palestinian gulag is their spearhead for their war of eradication : ‘from the river to the sea’.

Western nations should stay out of wars of eradication and bring every political instrument to bear for a two state solution – which has been rejected by both Israel and the Palestinians many times.

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