‘Evil’ threatens Russia – Christian leader — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

‘Evil’ threatens Russia – Christian leader — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

There can be no “passive stance” when it comes to confronting the danger, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church has said

The entire planet is threatened by an “evil” that Moscow is currently fighting, Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, said on Tuesday. Given the importance of the Russian world to human civilization, the threat it faces could lead to “terrible consequences” for nations everywhere, he added.

The Christian leader made the comments as he addressed mothers and wives of Russian servicemen taking part in the military operation against Ukraine.

Describing the threat to Russia as “evil,” Patriarch Kirill insisted it must be combatted to prevent it from spreading. A “passive stance,” he declared, is not an option. “If we pretend that nothing is happening, if we do not react or do not want to react, then evil begins to expand like a shagreen skin, and absorb healthy cells of the body,” the Orthodox leader stated.

The patriarch referred to the female audience members, who were from the Committee of the Families of the Fatherland’s Warriors (CFWO), as “a true force of spirit” while praising their “invaluable” contribution to their country. He emphasized the organization’s significance as the family serves as a link between generations, “passing on to children the true values of the Orthodox faith and love for the Fatherland.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated last month that the military operation against Ukraine is not only for national sovereignty and the well-being of the Russian people, but is also a fight “for the freedom of the whole world.” The “dictatorship of one hegemon is becoming decrepit” and dangerous for others, Putin claimed, adding that Russia is “at the forefront of building a fairer world order.”

According to the president, Moscow is standing against Russophobia and other forms of racism and neo-Nazism that “have almost become the official ideology of Western ruling elites.”

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