Documents reveal Liberals neglected economic impact of single use plastics ban

Documents reveal Liberals neglected economic impact of single use plastics ban

Documents show the Liberals did no economic assessment of the single use plastics ban.

The plastics industry is earmarked to provide nearly 40 billion dollars annually to the Canadian GDP by 2025.

The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau reclassified the sterile inert petrochemical byproduct as a Schedule One toxin in Canada, along with lead, mercury, and asbestos.

Thankfully, the federal court recently ruled the ban on single-use plastics unconstitutional.

However, in a continued Liberal theme of disregarding legal judgments against them, environment minister Steven Guilbeault promises to continue his unscientific forced inconvenience on the Canadian public and the proxy war on oil and gas the ban is.

Despite being a flagship environmental policy of the Trudeau government, according to the proactive release website of previously filed access to information requests, there are zero documents which studied the economic impact of the ban on the plastics industry.

The anonymous filer asked Environment and Climate Change Canada in November 2023 for all records showing discussion of, or the studying of, the economic effects of the plastics ban from September 1st, 2022.

There were zero documents returned.

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