Derrick Evans Fights Back Against Trans Takeover of WV Schools

Derrick Evans Fights Back Against Trans Takeover of WV Schools

Last Updated on February 20, 2024

J6 Patriot turned congressional candidate Derrick Evans (WV-1) is fighting back against the transgender takeover of West Virginia schools as the state has become the latest flashpoint in the parental fight to stop pro-trans school boards from opening up girl’s bathrooms and changing facilities to men and boys – A practice that has led to the serial rape of teenage girls in neighboring Virginia.

Derrick Evans ripped into the Kanwaha County Board of Education at a meeting held in late December, after word broke that a boy proclaiming girlhood was being granted full access to public school girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms. What’s more, is that in Kanawha County Schools, girls who were uncomfortable with disrobing in front of a boy, or with being exposed to his male genitalia, were being forced to find elsewhere to change or use the restroom.

Related: Trans-Identified Male Gains Changing Rights in Girls’ Locker Room in West Virginia High School

“I don’t know of any employer who would want to hire employees who are knowingly, in my opinion, aiding and abetting the sexual harassment of children,” Evans told the Kanawha County Board of Education, pointing out the public shame and repercussions that any reasonable person would find suitable for those who are violating children, be it by physical force, or the force of government.

Evans went on to echo the parents of Kanawha County and elsewhere, who say that the education system has vastly overstepped its bounds, as it tries to force a sexually-charged, subversive agenda down the throats of kids, in the taxpayer-funded schools where they’re supposed to be educated.

“You ran for a position that’s supposed to protect and uplift children and prepare them for a future career so that they can become productive members of society,” Evans said. “It is not your role to be social justice warriors who push their own perversion by forcing little girls to change in front of little boys.”

Evans’ appearance at the school board meeting came as he stands shoulder to shoulder with the students and parents fighting back against the trans takeover of their public schools, making the protection of West Virginia’s kids, and all of America’s kids, a central part of his campaign.

And he speaks from experience, having previously worked as both a teacher and high school football coach, and being a father himself.

VIDEO: West Virginia Mom Grills School Board After Trans Male is Given Access to Girls’ Locker Room

In 2024, Evans faces Republican incumbent Carol Miller in the GOP Primary, which is the de facto General Election in West Virginia’s deep red 1st Congressional District.

Miller, like the rest of the GOP establishment, has repeatedly voted to fund the federal government’s LGBT subversion agenda, which includes the Department of Education.

Related: Carol Miller Voted Against 2nd Amendment for Gun Confiscation ‘Red Flag’ Laws

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