Claimed 65,000-year-old ‘Aboriginal civilization’ does not correlate to real history –

Claimed 65,000-year-old ‘Aboriginal civilization’ does not correlate to real history –

VIETNAM veteran and long-time Aussie freedom fighter Len Clampett has challenged the popular narrative around Australia’s so-called “First Nations” people, popularly believed to the ancestors of today’s Aboriginal Australians.

Actor Ernie Dingo has Dravidian DNA.

Writing in reference to a video presentation by The Australia Project titled “What is happening on Terra Australis and the real, previously untold history” says he is “sorry to report that it appears that the authors of this web page are quite short on history. The people whom it is claimed are Australia’s first nation peoples are not.

“There have been many findings over the years of human remains that show clearly that there were people here, albeit in small numbers, long before the first full time (non-European) settlers arrived on the shores of this continent,” Clampett maintains.

These images (above, below) of Dravidians (south Indians) provided by British ethnographer Sir Herbert Risley in 1915, show striking similarities with Australian Aborigines.

“The first peoples to settle here and inhabit the continent were Melanesians from the north and east, the islands of New Guinea and the Archipelagos of Indonesia and the Philippines. These people were easily recognisable due to the short curly hair on their heads.

“These first inhabitants were races of short stature, forest dwellers, who made north Queensland their first major settlements. We have photographs of these people, and of comparatively recent years, posing with white people.”

Clampett maintains that the Melanesians spread across this continent over a long period of time. From the north to the south and the east to the west. “There are all the records required to know this material. Ships crews arriving on the west coast reported seeing tall black people slaughtering small black people.

“A documentary film maker traversed the Cape York Peninsula not so many years ago and found a cave on a rocky outcrop that had skeletons of short people and the backs of their skulls were all caved in. When he reported it to the government authority concerned, he was told to forget it.

“We now know that the tall black people who claim to be descendants of the ‘First Nation People’ are descended from Dravidians of South East India who arrived here about 4230 years ago, not 100,000, or 65,000, or 60,000 years ago. That is all confection to suit the tellers of these tall tales.”

Clampett says the genetic link has been proven in DNA matching by Ernie Dingo, the Indigenous actor, who has had his DNA traced back to Dravidian. “The proof of the Melanesian first peoples is in Tasmania (who) made their way to what is now Tasmania across the land bridge that existed there from the south east of the continent after having migrated to Australia via land bridges on the far north coasts and working their way south.”

Clampett says the Dravidians brought their village dogs with them and they became the dingo and DNA matching couples the dingo with village dogs of today in SE India. “The dingo has never been called a native Australian species and is one reason why they should be culled, especially on such places as Fraser Island where they attack humans.

“When they went feral here, the dingoes, hunting in packs, wiped out the thylacines and ‘Tasmanian’ Devils in the south east quarter of the mainland in the mountains of southern NSW and Victoria.

“By the time the Dravidians had reached the southern shores of the continent the seas had risen 140 yards and there was no more land bridge, hence the Dravidians never got to Tasmania because they did not know it was there and were not seafarers anyway.

“No Dingo ever reached Tasmania and the only real predator was the Thylacine until the white people killed them off and the last one alive died in the Hobart Zoo in 1936. The Melanesians were the first to ever set foot on Tasmania, to the best of knowledge, and lived there until the Europeans arrived there.”

Clampett notes that the last remaining full-blood first Tasmanian passed away on the 8th of May 1876 in Hobart. She was Truganini, aka Lallah Rookh, born on Bruny Island. Truganini, also known as Lallah Rookh (c. 1812 – 8 May 1876) was an Aboriginal Tasmanian woman. She was one of the last native speakers of the Tasmanian languages and one of the last individuals solely of Aboriginal Tasmanian descent. “She was a true Tasmanian. Any good Internet search will bring this information to light.”

He also dismissed notion that “First Nations” lived some sort of harmonious life before the arrival of Europeans. “There are books available that chronologise aboriginal cannibalism and infanticide on Australia by way of an Internet search to complete studies on these subjects,” he says.

“We also need to know and understand that infanticide was used as a means of population control for these nomadic peoples. Early Australian courts sickeningly held that these practices were native ritual and were often not punished. It started a long time before us.”

On references by The Australia Project and others to international law and the UNDRIP, Clampett says there is no such thing as international law as there is no international structure that has international residents or citizens to elect an international parliament to create international law.

“There are only international agreements which can be renounced at any time. Treaties can only be made by Sovereign nations and neither the UN nor the WEF, WHO, IMF or any of the alphabet organisations can be held to agreements (treaties?) with sovereign nations and neither can the sovereign nations be held to agreements with these non-sovereign entities.

“All the alphabet organisations today, such as the false WEF, have spoken themselves into positions of influence and politicians fall for their games.”

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