Canada broke the Nuremberg Code — what does that say about Trudeau?- Rebel News

Canada broke the Nuremberg Code — what does that say about Trudeau?- Rebel News

Last night on The Ezra Levant Show, Viva Frei commented, ‘I can compare it to Nazi Germany when they made my wife show her papers to go out at night after curfew for her job… I’m unapologetic about it.’

This is an excerpt from The Ezra Levant Show. To see new, ad-free episodes, which air Monday – Friday @ 8 p.m. ET | 6 p.m. MT, become a subscriber to RebelNews+. This episode originally aired on December 26, 2023.

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was joined by Canadian lawyer and content creator David Freiheit, known online as Viva Frei, to discuss the downfall of civil liberties in Canada.

Ezra talked about the history and purpose of the Nuremberg Code, which was developed after the Holocaust to stringently limit human experimentation:

“They… codified the moral rules that doctors should live under. I mean, like that ancient medical slogan: do no harm. What does that mean? Well, it means informed consent, and that the patient needs to know what you’re doing and that they have the right to withdraw the consent, etc. It’s a very codified [set of] rules that we came up with because of the Nazis. And we broke that code so, of course, we can make comparisons with the Nazis.”

Viva Frei also rejected the notion that comparing pandemic life in Canada to Nazi Germany is somehow an overstatement, saying:

“They’re not death camps anymore…What it is is mass casualties as a result of human experimentation from which the Pharma companies, the doctors, and the government are effectively immunized… You got your quarantine facilities  government-designated quarantine facilities  imposed curfew, house arrest for millions of people… People losing their jobs, vaccine passports… I’m sorry, I can compare it to Nazi Germany when they made my wife show her papers to go out at night after curfew for her job… I’m unapologetic about it.”

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